Laboratory Professionals

Table of contents:

Welcome to Laboratory Resources

Career Center


BOC Information

Welcome to Laboratory Professionals Resources!

ASCLS-IL takes pride in offering a comprehensive range of resources to Medical Laboratory Scientists, Medical Laboratory Technicians, Phlebotomists, and other laboratory professionals. These resources can be easily accessed on this page. While we have made many of our resources available to the public, some are exclusively accessible to ASCLS members and require login credentials. To explore the advantages of ASCLS membership and for more information, please visit our membership page or our main website.

   ASCLS Career Center   

The ASCLS Career Center serves as a comprehensive platform for all your career needs. It allows you to upload your resume and apply for various laboratory positions through a single portal. The center also provides additional resources such as resume writing services, reference checking, and professional coaching to assist you in your career journey. Make the most of these opportunities and take a step forward in your professional growth.

Explore The Career Center

I AM MLS | Learn More

Read ASCP's Position Paper

Advocate for the Medical Laboratory Science profession by supporting standardized titles! 

In 2020, ASCP BOC and ASCLS released a position paper addressing the issue of inconsistent professional credentials and job titles within the laboratory profession. The existence of multiple titles causes confusion among the public and other healthcare professionals, and undermines the understanding of our profession.

To enhance the visibility of our profession and acknowledge the pivotal role laboratory professionals play in patient care, diagnosis, and treatment, it is recommended that we consolidate under a single title - Medical Laboratory Scientist (MLS).

The position paper can be found on the ASCP website and via the link provided on the left. Moreover, ASCP's 'Promoting the Medical Laboratory Science Profession Through Standardized Titles' paper, along with a FAQ section, can be accessed on the ASCP 'I am MLS' website. ASCLS encourages all laboratory professionals to join us in the move towards standardizing our professional title. Make a difference by taking the 'I am MLS' pledge today!

Many employers and hospital systems have not yet adopted standardized titles for laboratory professionals and continue to use outdated and inaccurate job titles. We encourage all laboratory professionals to join us in advocating for this progressive change and to share knowledge about I AM MLS with organizations that have not yet made the transition. If you are interested in promoting positive change within your institution, you can access a sample letter containing information about medical professional nomenclature through the link provided below.

I AM MLS Sample Letter - Word Document I AM MLS Sample Letter - PDF Document

Board of Certification Information

Earn Your Credentials & Keep Them Updated! ASCLS places great emphasis on competency and the promotion of excellence among laboratory professionals. Medical Laboratory Scientists are instrumental in patient care, with laboratory test results often significantly influencing patient treatment plans and consequently, their lives. Ensuring the accuracy and validity of these results is a crucial responsibility of every laboratory professional. By obtaining credentials and maintaining them through continuing education, you contribute to enhancing patient safety. For detailed information on the credentialing process or acquiring continuing education credits, please visit the ASCP BOC website.

ASCLS also provides opportunities to earn continuing education (CE) credits through our Professional Acknowledgement for Continuing Education (P.A.C.E) program. For details on credits you can earn through P.A.C.E, please visit our main website. Additionally, online credits can be obtained by participating in the ASCLS Labucate program. ASCLS members can access monthly webinars through Labucate at no cost to earn CEs.

BOC Website ASCLS Labucate