Alpha Mu Tau Scholarships


The amount of each scholarship depends on the AMTF general fund income (donations) and the return from and donations to the AMTF endowment funds. There are nine endowment funds; Each fund awards one, or more, scholarships per year in addition to the general fund awards. 

The amount and number of awards are determined by the AMTF Finance Committee and the AMTF Scholarship Committee. 20 -25 Graduate and Undergraduate scholarships are awarded annually in amounts from $1,000.00 to $4,000.00. The awards are made during the ASCLS annual meeting. Awardees are notified by mail.



  • Completed Application
  • 2 letters of recommendation (LOR) **
  • 2 performance score (PS) sheets
  • Official college transcript(s)

** One LOR and PS should be from the Program Director, if enrolled in program; or Clinical Laboratory Supervisor, if accepted to program and not yet enrolled. One LOR and PS should be a personal reference (non-relative) regarding the applicant’s work ethic

Deadline & Award Notification

Completed applications and supporting documents must be received by April 1st of the application year.